

An der schoenen blauen Donau


青山貞一 Teiichi Aoyama
Jan. 2010, 8 Jan 2010

欧州ドナウ川地図  出典:ドイツ語Wikipedeia
@ 序論 ドナウ川とは
A ドイツ(始点)からオーストリア
B スロバキアからクロアチア

C セルビアからルーマニア(終点)



Source Photos Royalty Free Photograph

Source Photos Royalty Free Photograph


 以下はブダペストから南に約300kmにあるセルビアのゴルバッツ要塞 Golubac Fortress。

セルビアのゴルバッツ要塞 Golubac Fortress
Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010

 Golubac fortress is under protection of the National Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments since 1948 and in 1979, it has been categorized as the cultural heritage of exceptional importance.

 The Fortress is located within the Djerdap National Park. Octagonal Sesir Kula (Eng: Hat Tower), formerly used as a pier of the Fortress, nowadays is the symbol and trademark of Golubac.

 The first known record of Golubac fortress dates back to 1335 when it was mentioned as Hungarian military fortification although it is not known when precisely it was built or who built it. Byzantines used it to fortify its northern borders; Hungarians to protect its estates across the Danube; Serbs to guard its territory from Hungarian invasions…

 Due to exceptional geostrategic location, over centuries, many times it was a target of various conquerors and battlefield of different armies.


セルビアのゴルバッツ要塞 Golubac Fortress
Source:From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

セルビアのゴルバッツ要塞 Golubac Fortressの平面図


Eisernes Tor

(鉄の門、英語でIron Gate。位置は上の図参照)

 Eisernes Tor(直訳、鉄の門)は、ドナウ川がカルパティア山脈を横断する部分の峡谷を指す。 

 Eisernes Torは、広義には134 kmからなる渓谷で地理的にはセルビア共和国とルーマニアの国境の一部をなす。


セルビアの首都ベルグラード近くの鉄の門、Eisernes Tor
Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010

セルビアの首都ベルグラード近くの鉄の門、Eisernes Tor
Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010

セルビアの首都ベルグラード近くの鉄の門、Eisernes Tor

Staudamm ?Eisernes Tor“
Source:Deutsch Wikipedia

 Iron Gate, also known as Djerdap gorge (Serbian: Djerdapska klisura), is the largest river gorge in Europe where the mighty Danube had broke through the Carpathian Mountains for 90 km.

 It consists of four gorges: Golubac gorge, Gospodjin Vir, Kazan (here, the river reaches depth of 90 m), and Sip gorge as well as of three valleys: Ljupkovska, Donjomilanovacka and Orsava. Golubac gorge, Ljupkovska valley and Gospodjin Vir gorge are located in Golubac municipality.

This is a territory of unique and grandiose beauty of total area of 1,236.24 ha with interchanging natural rarities and remains of ancient civilizations, exquisite landscapes and geomorphologic traits with refugium specifics.


セルビアの首都ベルグラード近くのEisernes Tor


Romania and Serbia Presidents Discuss Danube Strategy

 Romania's  President  Train  Basescu  and  his  Serb counterpart Borids Tadic discussed the harmonization of transportation regulations on the Danube and the Rhine, at a meeting in Bucharest. Tadic said, the Black Sea's Constanta Port has a special importance to Serbia. He mentioned that the signing of a protocol on the Rhine-Main-Danube corridor, which provides Serbia a link to Constanta, is very important to both countries. Strategically speaking, he said, it is very important to have an agreement on this issue, on a long term of 10, 20, 50 and even 100 years. He said that the importance to Serbia of the Constanta Port is all the greater as the Serb Danube fleet is very strong.



Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010

Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010

ランドサット(人口衛星)から見たドナウ・デルタ 2000
Source:Deutsch Wikipedia

ドナウ・デルタ (ドナウ川三角州)

 ルーマニアのドブロジャと、ウクライナのオデッサ州に位置し、面積 3446平方キロメートルで、ヨーロッパ最大にして、人の手がほとんど入っていない、自然状態の三角州(デルタ)である。

 デルタの無数の湖や沼地は、45種の淡水魚に加えて、300種の鳥類、更に1,200を越える植物の亜種を擁している。ドナウ・デルタは、ユネスコの世界遺産と生物圏保護区のリストに登録されている。デルタのなかの 2733平方キロメートルが特別保護地区である。


 およそ 2500年前、ヘロドトスは、ドナウ川は七つの支流に分岐していると述べている。

Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010






Source:Image of Wien Phil New Year Concert of 2010