

青山貞一 Teiichi Aoyama
池田こみち Komichi Ikeda

19 June 2009 拡充 1 November 2010 

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【ポーランド南部の強制収容所 視察】 【ポーランド東部の強制収容所 視察】
3月10日:クラクフからアウシュビッツへ 3月12日:東部の3大収容所、ベルゼック
3月10日:アウシュビッツ収容所の施設概要 3月12日:東部の3大収容所、ソビボル
3月10日:アウシュビッツ収容所の歴史を知る 3月12日:東部の3大収容所、トレブリンカ
3月10日:死の壁・集団虐殺実験・断種実験 3月12日:マイダネク強制収容所の概要
3月10日:強制連行・収容・虐殺・飢餓・遺品 3月12日:マイダネク強制収容所の歴史
3月10日・絞首台・前置室・人体焼却炉 3月12日:マイダネク強制収容所の実態
3月10日・アウシュビッツからビルケナウへ 【ポーランド東部の古都視察】
3月10日:ビルケナウの強制収容施設に入る 3月12日:夕暮れのルブリン旧市街へ
3月10日・ビルケナウの焼却施設を調べる 3月13日:旧市街からルブリン城へ
3月10日:アウシュビッツ・ビルケナウへの鎮魂 3月13日:ルブリンの歴史を知る
【ポーランド南東部の古都 視察 3月13日:ルブリン城(博物館)
3月11日:南西ポーランドのプジェミシル 3月13日:心の故郷、カジミエーシュ村
3月12日:ジェシェフからザモシチへ 3月13日:中世の美しい村カジミエーシュ
3月12日:中世の要塞都市ザモシチを歩く 3月13日:世界的オルガンがあるヤン教会


 左がルブリン城、右がドミニコ教会、大聖堂、クラクフ門、新市庁舎 Source:English Wikipedia



撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


撮影:池田こみち Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:池田こみち Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


 また城内にある聖三位一体礼拝堂(Kaplica sw. Trojcy)に入るには別途料金を


撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13



撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


撮影:池田こみち Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


Lublin Castle (Polish: Zamek Lubelski)
is situated in Lublin, Poland, adjacent to the Old Town district and close to the city center.

 The hill on which it is located was first fortified with a wood-reinforced earthen wall in the 12th century.

 In the first half of the 13th century the stone keep was built which survives to this day and is the tallest building of the castle, as well as the oldest standing building in the whole city. In the 14th century, during the reign of Casimir the Great, the castle was rebuilt with stone walls. Probably at the same time the castle's Holy Trinity church was built to serve as a royal chapel. In the first decades of the 15th century king W?adys?aw II commissioned a set of wall paintings for the chapel, which were completed in 1418 and are preserved to this day.

 Due to their unique style, mixing Western and Eastern Orthodox influences, they are acclaimed internationally as an important historical monument.

Under the rule of the Jagiellon dynasty the castle enjoyed royal favor and frequent stays by members of the royal family. In the 16th century it was rebuilt on a grandiose scale, under the direction of Italian masters brought from Krakow. The most momentous event in the castle's history was the signing in 1569 of the Union of Lublin, the founding act of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

 As a consequence of the wars in the 17th century (The Deluge) the castle fell into disrepair. Only the oldest sections, the keep and the chapel, remained intact. After Lublin fell under Russian rule following the territorial settlement of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the government of Congress Poland, on the initiative of Stanis?aw Staszic, carried out a complete reconstruction of the castle between 1826 and 1828.

 The new buildings were in English neogothic style, completely different from the structures they replaced, and their new purpose was to house a criminal prison. Only the keep and the chapel were preserved in their original state.

 The castle served as a prison for the next 128 years: as a Tsarist prison from 1831 to 1915, in independent Poland from 1918 to 1939, and most infamously during the Nazi occupation of the city from 1939 to 1944, when between 40,000 and 80,000 inmates, many of them Polish resistance fighters, passed through the prison.

 Just before withdrawing in 1944, the Nazis massacred its remaining 300 prisoners. After 1944 the castle continued to serve as a prison of Soviet secret police and later Poland's puppet regime controlled by the Soviets, and until 1954 about 35,000 Poles opposing Soviet occupation of their country rule passed through it, of whom 333 lost their lives.

 In 1954 the castle prison was finally closed. Following reconstruction and refurbishment, since 1957 it has been the main site of the Lublin Museum.



Lublin Castle Hill and the Jewish district in 1810.
Source:English Wikimedia

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13








Source:English Wikipedia


撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13


撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

撮影:青山貞一 Nikon Cool Pix S10 2009.3.13

 なお、本稿の冒頭に書いたが、城内にある聖三位一体礼拝堂(Kaplica sw. Trojcy)にある多くのフラスコ画は、1418年に描かれたロシア・ビザンチン様式の貴重なフラスコ画であり一見の価値がある。

 以下は聖三位一体礼拝堂(Kaplica sw. Trojcy)の外に掲示されていた礼拝堂写真を写したもの。それはもうすばらしいの一言である。

城内にある聖三位一体礼拝堂(Kaplica sw. Trojcy)の写真
