Environmental Research Institute Tokyo
New Laboratory of
Maxxam Analytics Inc.
September 2005
Environemtal Research Instituite
is tied up with Maxxam as technically allied companies
Environmental Research Institute, Inc.(ERI) had started the chemicalanalytical
services from 1998 with close relationship with Maxxam Analytics Inc.,
the largest analytical laboratory in Canada, located in Mississauga and
Burlington, Ontario. Most of the analytical services are provided with
sufficient QA control, validation and review of superviser based on the
international protocols developed by EPA and Environment Canada and Ministry
of Environment, Ontario.
Maxxam Analytics Inc. was established in 1968. Now Maxxam became one of
the largest analytical laboratory in Canada having various international
and national accreditations including ISO/IEC Guide 17025.
<Quality System>
-All Labs ISO 17025 Accredited
-Incremental Quality Systems for Individual Business Groups
-GLP Designation for Specific Lab Sections
-Six Sigma Processes
<Scopes of Accreditation>
Canadian Accreditation
- By Laboratory
- Comprehensive Scope for All Canadian Regulated Compounds
- Soil, Water, Waste, Air, Biota Matrices
U.S. Accreditation
-Support POPS, Air, AIHA, ASTM, Residues, DNA, Human Drug
-Comprehensive POP Scope
-Comprehensive Air Scope
-Air, Biota, Soil, Water Matrices
There are 14 labs in the world and the total employees are 1200. Among
which 800 are environmental science division, 240 are industrial division,
120 are food science division and 90 are for the other department.
Maxxam has 9 HR/GCMS(High Resolution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer)
for the trace chemical compounds analysis including PCDD/PCDF,Co-PCBs.
7 of those equipments are installed in Burlington lab. In addition to that
totally over 100 GC/MS equipments and other LC/MS/MS equipments are equiped
for varaieity of analytical services.
In 2004, Maxxam had achieved totally 2.7 million analysis for about 7000
parameters. The clients are governmental sectors including Federal, Provincial
and Municipal levels and also from the private companies and NGOs. Among
those requested parameters, Dioxins, PCBs,PAHs, Metals, NMDA,Pesticides
and herbicides, VOCs, SVOCs, Endocrine disrupters substances, food nutrients
etc are included.
In September 2005, Teiichi AOYAMA(Director of ERI), Komichi IKEDA(Deputy
Director of ERI) and Atsushi TAKATORI(Executive Research Manager) have
visited the newly opened laboratory in Mississauga and Burlington. Following
photos were taken at that opportunity showing the improved facillities
and equipments of each laboratories. |
Maxxam Analytics Inc. near Toronto, Canada |
Maxxam Analytics Inc. close to Route 401 |
Sample reception section |
Left Dr. Branko Vrzic in charge of Pine needle analysis Right Ms.Komichi Ikeda |
HRGC/HRMS at new labo |
Oldest HRGC/HRMS at Maxxam |
Photos by Teiichi Aoyama and Atsushi Takatori |