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   東南アジア最後の秘境 ミャンマー

Principal Pagoda & Temple in Bagan

青山貞一 Teiichi Aoyama  池田こみち Komichi Ikeda
独立系メディア E−wave Tokyo

(136) バガンの主要パゴダ・寺院リスト  (137) バガン全体の観光地図


 以下はWikipedia に掲載されていたバガンの主要なパゴダと寺院のリストです(アルファベット順)。このうち私たちが訪問したのはわずか7カ所でした。


 主な出典はEnglish Wikipedia です。 



Name Picture Built Sponsor(s) Notes
★Ananda Temple 1105 King〜Kyansittha One of the most famous temples in Bagan
Bupaya Pagoda c. 850 King〜Pyusawhti In〜Pyu〜style; original 9th century pagoda destroyed by the 1975 earthquake; completely rebuilt, now gilded
★Dhammayangyi Temple 1167〜1170 King〜Narathu Largest of all temples in Bagan
Dhammayazika Pagoda 1196〜1198 King〜Sithu II
★Gawdawpalin Temple c. 1211〜1235 King Sithu II and King〜Htilominlo
Gubyaukgyi Temple (Wetkyi-in) Early 13th Century King Kyansittha
Gubyaukgyi Temple (Myinkaba) 1113 Prince〜Yazakumar
Htilominlo Temple 1218 King Htilominlo Three stories and 46 meters tall
Lawkananda Pagoda c. 1044〜1077 King〜Anawrahta
Mahabodhi Temple c. 1218 King Htilominlo Smaller replica of the〜Mahabodhi Temple〜in〜Bodh Gaya
Manuha Temple 1067 King〜Manuha
Mingalazedi Pagoda 1268〜1274 KingNarathihapate
Minyeingon Temple
Myazedi inscription 1112 Prince〜Yazakumar ""Rosetta Stone of Burma" with inscriptions in four languages: Pyu
Nanpaya Temple c. 1160〜1170 Hindu temple in Mon style; believed to be either Manuha's old residence or built on the site
Nathlaung Kyaung Temple c. 1044〜1077 Hindu temple
Payathonzu Temple c. 1200 in〜Mahayana〜and〜Tantric-styles
Seinnyet Nyima Pagaoda〜andSeinnyet Ama Pagoda c. 11th century
★Shwegugyi Temple 1131 King〜Sithu I Sithu I was assassinated here; known for its arched windows
★Shwesandaw Pagoda c. 1070 King Anawrahta
☆Shwezigon Pagoda 1102 King Anawrahta and King Kyansittha
★Sulamani Temple 1183 King Sithu II
Tharabha Gate c. 1020 King〜Kunhsaw Kyaunghpyu〜and King〜Kyiso The only remaining part of the old walls; radiocarbon dated to c. 1020[26]
★Thatbyinnyu Temple c. 1150 Sithu I At 61 meters, the tallest temple in Bagan
Tuywindaung Pagoda Anawrahta