①1~5 ②6~10 ③11~16
◆サンクトペテルブルグ(Saint Petersburg)


The piano nobile of the Winter Palace. The private apartments are shaded
pink. Rooms are given their pre-1918 titles.[a] 1: Malachite Drawing Room;
2: Empire Drawing Room; 3: Silver Drawing Room; 4: Sitting room; 5: Bedroom
of Alexandra Feodorovna; 6: Boudoir; 7: Nicholas II's study; 8: Small Dining
Room; 9: Library; 10: Billiard Room; 11: Tsar's Audience Room (next: Saltykov
Staircase) 12: 14: Alexander II's study; 19: Bedroom of Maria Alexandrovna;
20: Crimson Boudoir; 21: Crimson cabinet; 22: Gold Drawing Room; 23: HM's
Own Staircase; 25: Dining Room; 26: Schoolroom; 28: The Rotunda; 29: Chapel;
30: Arabian Hall; 31: Winter Garden; 32: White Hall.

The private Wing of the Winter Palace, photographed circa 1900, from Tsaritsa Alexandra's new garden. The door at the centre is the Saltykov Entrance.

Plan showing location of the Rotunda within the Winter Palace

The Rotunda in 1834, by Yefim Tukharinov.
Автор: Ефим Тухаринов - Перенесено с en.wikipedia на Викисклад.; updated from http://www.arthermitage.org/ (big size), Общественное достояние, Ссылка

Location of the Arabian Room within the Winter PalaceLocation
of the Arabian Room within the Winter Palace

The Arabian Hall with one of the Tsar's four "Ethiopians",
by Konstantin Ukhtomsky (1860s)
Source:WikimediaCommons Автор: Ухтомский, Константин Андреевич - A.Н. Воронихина Виды залов Эрмитажа и Зимнего Дворца в акварелях середины 20-го века Москва Искусство 1983, Общественное достояние, Ссылка

Location of the Malachite Room within the Winter Palace

The Malachite Room, the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, by Konstantin Ukhtomsky (1865)
Автор: Ухтомский, Константин Андреевич - A.Н. Воронихина Виды залов Эрмитажа и Зимнего Дворца в акварелях середины 20-го века Москва Искусство 1983, Общественное достояние, Ссылка

The Winter Palace's Neva enfilade is shaded red. A: Concert Hall;
B: The Nicholas Hall; C: Great anteroom. A:コンサートホール、

The Winter Palace's Neva facade. The enfilade is at the centre on the first floor.
De Alex 'Florstein' Fedorov, CC BY-SA 4.0, Ligazón
庭 園

Design for the garden of the Tsaritsa Alexandra Feodorovna, now altered.
Public Domain, Link

A corner of the courtyard garden of the Winter Palace
By Satbir Singh - originally posted to Flickr as DSCF0662, CC BY 2.0, Link
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